Aditya Allamraju
Andhra University College of Engineering, India
Title: A Geo-Spatial Study on Smart City of Visakhapatnam Metro Rail Project, Andhra Pradesh, India
Submitted Date: 2018-9-21
Aditya Allamraju is pursuing her Undergraduate Final year in Geo-Informatics, Department of Geo-Engineering from Andhra University College of Engineering (A),\r\nIndia. She is an annual member of IEEE, ISRS (Indian Society of Remote Sensing) from 2017; IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society member from 2018.\r\nShe is very passionate about learning new things related to her core subject and likes to assist her research scholars of her department in their research works.\r\nShe has currently published 3 research papers in Morphometry, Geomorphology and Land Use/ Cover. She also received the RULA International Awards’ 2018 for\r\n‘Distinguished Engineer of 2018’ for her outstanding contribution in the field of research and co-curriculum. She is also rewarded three gold coins from the Head of the Department, Geo-Engineering, for her best performance in curriculum.
The present geo-spatial study focuses on the feasibility survey for the proposal of Metro Rail Project in the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC),Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. It has been proposed for a convenient travel option to the public which reduces pollution, travel time, man hours and also to develop tourism. Visakhapatnam is located in a bowl shaped topography where the industrial pollutants are concentrating and not easily dispersing, moreover the vehicle traffic is also increasing year after year which contributes significant pollution levels. The study area is inhabited by 20.3 lakh population with vehicular population of around 7 lakh (2011 census). Keeping these issues in view, the Metro Rail Project is planned to connect important places which significantly reduce the individual use of vehicles in the context of Smart City. The present study proposes six corridors (stages) of over 54-km length. In this study, the SOI toposheets, IRS satellite imagery, GPS techniques are used to extract the thematic layers of rail, road, heritage buildings, topography etc. thereby revealing the shortest path and cost effective metro rail corridors. A 50-m buffer is generated in ArcMap-10.6 to assess the extent of affecting to the existing buildings, infrastructure and topography. After a thorough evaluation of the metro project and its benefits, an Android based application viz. “Vizag Metro Rail†is planned to be developed. The application consists of details of nearby stations from the current station, industrial and educational hubs, tourist facilities available for weekend travel and other provisions that are being offered by the railways can also be accessed by any citizen who wish to travel by the Visakhapatnam metro.